Pinaddicts challenge

Morning y’all!

It’s my turn to host the challenge this month and I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone has made!

We’re starting a little late this month due to the Jubilee but here is how it works:

This month I decided to attempt the crochet thing.  My mom inspired me when she was here on her last visit when she made the kids a blanket in a week.

I found a U-tube video to learn the basics and off I went! I have loads of projects on my Pinterest Pinaddicts Page but I decided to just do my own thing taking inspiration from it!

Here are some of my makings…

I have to say I am chuffed to bits with them. Am addicted.  It’s so easy and quick! And they make super birthday gifts on the cheaper side of the budget too! The girls are loving the headbands for summer and I’m loving experimenting with different stiches and embellishments!

This month we have a prize provided by Abakhan – seriously head on over to see their lovely stuff – they have something for everyone – fabric to crafty stuff to crochet stuff – all at great prices! This is one £50 voucher I really want to win!! Don’t worry though it’s all done randomly and I don’t need to make any difficult decisions!

32 thoughts on “Pinaddicts challenge

  1. Your crocheting looks fab! You will have to send me the link for a tutorial as I fancy a headband for myself this summer! Your little one looks lush. Off to link up now 😉 thanks for hosting x

    • Not sure which one I eventually used – think it was an asian lady doing a hat, there are lots of links on my board tho which I also used! Didn’t actually use one for the headband just winged it – tip tho, make it tighter and a tiny bit smaller than you think (they stretch a bit)!

  2. They’re great I sucked a knitting so have been contemplating crochet but when I picked up a mag i was really put off with all the ‘crochet talk’ (you letters and numbers and stitches and argh!) so i’ve not plucked up the courage!
    Your headbands are fab! x

    • Try it, it’s so easy and I’m not a knitter – to fiddly for me! and slow! The youtube stuff is much easier to follow until you get the hang!

  3. Pingback: how to make a felt playhouse

  4. They are lovely! I’d also like to learn to crochet but I’m not very good at yarny crafts. I have so many crochet blankets pinned, maybe one day I’ll be able to enter one in to the Pinterest challenge!

  5. They are absolutely fab, you hv left me way behind!! I am still stuck on blankets and don’t seem to be able to crochet anything else. You are now inspiring me!

  6. These are gorgeous! I love the flowers on the headband and I’m definitely going to make a hat for E for autumn 🙂 thanks!

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  8. These are great – I bought a crochet book once but it all looked so complicated I simply hid the book from hubby* and haven’t got it out again.
    *I already have rather a lot of craft books and I feel I can only justify buying them if I actually make things from them!

  9. Pingback: Pinaddicts inspiration – a toddler floor cushion – Littleflowerbaby's Blog

  10. May I ask… what do you use to get everyone to sign up for the linky and leave the pics? Is it free? I am starting a monthly challenge as well (it will be the same project as it is interesting to see how people do it differently) but need something to keep track. Thnx

    • Hey, yep it’s free and you just copy and paste the “code” into your post! I obviously used the Inlinkz one but there are others if you search! It’s really easy to do this is my first time and it actually worked first time!! Let me know if you need more help!

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